K-W Singers


The choir was originally formed in 1948 as the Dominion Life Choir. It was sponsored by the Dominion Life Assurance Company in Waterloo, and for the first few years all the members were employed by the Company. About ten times per year the choir would travel by chartered bus to small towns within a two hour drive of Waterloo, and perform a concert in a church after being served dinner by the church members. This was considered to be good public relations for the Company and the choir would usually be introduced by a local Dominion Life agent. The choir was directed for 35 years by Don Landry, who was head of music for the Waterloo Region Public School Board.

In 1985 Dominion Life was purchased by Manulife, which provided some funds for the choir for the first year or so. In 1987 the group became an independent community-based choir, and the members renamed themselves the 'K-W Singers'. The choir is a registered charity and supports itself through donations, ticket sales and various fundraising activities. Jennifer Carter was the director during 2022 and 2023, and Donna Mak the accompanist for over two decades.


In 2024, we are pleased to announce that, two young and very talented musicians have joined the choir, Anthony Domzella as Director and, Natalia Sawyer as accompanist. We are sure you'll enjoy this great team performance.

See you next time.


About KW-Singers